Planted peppers, the leaves "curly" or "deformed"? Do these 4 points well, so that the peppers can g





When it comes to chili peppers, they are truly a must-have in our kitchens, especially in regions like Hunan and Sichuan and the surrounding areas. Without them, the dishes seem to lack a certain soul!

The chili peppers grown on your own balcony are fresh, spicy, and most importantly, safe to eat! However, just as life has its little ups and downs, our chili peppers may also encounter some troubles, such as the leaves curling or deforming.


Don't worry, fanmimi is here today to reveal the reasons behind this and how to revitalize these little chili peppers for a bountiful harvest.

01 — Pests and Diseases The curling of chili leaves is sometimes the work of unwelcome guests like aphids, powdery mildew, and anthracnose. They disrupt the peaceful life of the chili peppers like uninvited guests.

To deal with them, we must act like detectives, carefully observing every corner of the plants. Once these unwelcome guests are found, it's time to take action.


Eco-friendly methods are always the first choice, such as gently washing the leaves with water or using your hands to become a bug-catching expert and catch them one by one.

If necessary, you can also use some organic and environmentally friendly insecticides, as mentioned in the previous fanmimi article "Chili peppers always have many aphids during the flowering period, what to do?"

02 — Balance of Water and Growth Environment The curling of chili leaves is sometimes due to an imbalance of water. Just like humans, drinking too much water can cause edema, and drinking too little can cause thirst.

Chili peppers also need an appropriate amount of water; overwatering or lack of water can make them feel uncomfortable. Solving this problem is like playing a balancing game. Observing the soil moisture and adjusting the watering amount in time is like a tailored SPA for the chili peppers.

At the same time, choosing well-ventilated soil and containers with good drainage is like building a comfortable home for them.

03 — Harmony of Temperature and Light Chili peppers like warmth but not extreme heat; they need sunlight but not scorching sun. Just like enjoying hot pot, the right temperature is essential for enjoying the food.

The requirements for temperature and light of chili peppers are like the pursuit of life quality. Too high or too low temperatures can cause the leaves of chili peppers to curl or deform, as if they are not adapted to extreme environments.


The ideal temperature range for chili peppers is 15°C to 30°C, which is their comfort zone. Especially in the hot summer, such as now during the hottest days, most areas have temperatures above 35 degrees Celsius. You can set up a shade net for them or move them to a cooler place, but don't forget that a daily sunbath is also essential.

04 — Nutrient Supplement A lack of key nutrients, such as nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, can also cause the leaves of chili peppers to curl or deform. It's like a lack of vitamins in the human body, which needs to be supplemented in time.

Organic fertilizers are like natural supplements for chili peppers, providing them with a variety of nutrients needed while also improving soil texture and promoting the activity of soil microorganisms.

Chemical fertilizers, although they can provide nutrients quickly, are best avoided for home potted plants, after all, we are pursuing natural and healthy growth.

The vegetables sold outside may not taste as good as our own, partly because of the use of chemical fertilizers.





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